Die Bedeutung fortschrittlicher Technologie in Salons

Bedeutung fortschrittlicher Technologien in Salons

As we have entered the 21st century and outdated technology in any business will be harmful until you have shops that sell “classic products”. Advanced technologies and has been the core of businesses world-wide as things get more technical there are plethora business up and running in modern technologies. Introduction of advanced technologies in Salons are no different. In this blog we will discuss about the importance and benefits of these technologies in your business.

What is the importance of Advanced Technologies in Salons

In the next 5 years, every salon in every street corner will be using advanced technology for treatment services. This includes lasers, tattoo removal, fat loss removal and skin tightening treatments. People are more adapted to non surgical treatments using technology rather than going down the route of needles or knives.

Geschäftsinhaber verzichten auf Wachstöpfe und traditionelle Schönheitsmethoden. Technologien sind in der Lage, Kunden bessere Ergebnisse zu liefern und es für den Techniker mühelos zu machen. Im Gegenzug können die Mitarbeiter mehr Zeit für die Führung des Unternehmens aufwenden, um einen besseren Kundenservice zu bieten, während die Geschäftsinhaber ihr Geschäft ausbauen können.

Which factors should salon owners consider when determining the most Advanced Technologies in Salons

Nowadays local clientele is not the only option. We are not in the 90s. We have the power of social media as well as brand awareness and success stories of using the correct brand.

It is not the same thing as getting your nails done or your legs wax. People will travel to clinics offering a good product and technologies.

Technology alone is not enough, using a good brand will provide clients with the extra re-assurance meaning they will choose you over your competitors.

There are hundreds of courses and manufacturers available on the market, but only a handful are taught reputable qualified teachers or doctors.

If you are trained by a non-accredited person, your insurance may become void. In this industry we do not want to put ourselves at risk of just buying the insurance. Whether the insurance will pay out or not is another matter.

Importance of advanced technologies in

Gibt es bestimmte fortschrittliche Behandlungen, die sich derzeit als beliebt erweisen?

Hair removal is the most popular industry after all almost everyone has unwanted hair, but the competition is also higher so make sure you invest in a reputable brand as it is still one of the best investments. In recent years, tattoo removal is a very popular choice as old tattoos are bad and people with regrets either want to get rid of it altogether or get a new one.

Again, investing in a good machine is one thing, but using a better brand will bring your business with a higher return on investment.

Fat loss business is the third most popular choice as I am sure there are more people with unwanted hair than unwanted body weight. But in terms of business prospective, it is very profitable as there is less competition.

In den letzten Jahren gab es eine Begeisterung für Botox und Facelifting. Eines der derzeit heißesten Geschäfte ist jedoch HIFU, was für High Intensity Focused Ultrasound steht.

As we age collagen cells become depleted causing the skin to become lax and develop fine lines and wrinkles.

By using the AW3 Clarity™ Hifu system, it delivers the right amount of ultrasound energy at the right depths in to the skin at the right temperature to trigger a natural response under the skin. This will jump starts the regenerative process that produces fresh new collagen. As fresh new collagen is produced the skin becomes tighter and firmer, pushing out wrinkles to give a younger firmer complexion.

Wie können Salons diese Technologie vermarkten, nachdem sie sie in ihrem Salon/Spa eingeführt haben?

Die Leute scheinen zu verweilen – meine Technologie und Maschine ist besser als Ihre, also werde ich erfolgreicher sein und alle Kunden gewinnen. FALSCH!

Sagen wir einfach, Ihre Maschine ist aus Gold, aber noch nie jemand davon gehört. Also fangen Sie jetzt an, Ihren bestehenden Kunden zu sagen (Wenn Sie welche haben) about the golden machine and the glory it has to offer.

They will instantly be in-treed, but since this is a semi- medical procedure, your customers would like to know where, how, when as well as any previous clinical data, results and the efficiency of the system.

Without this, even if your system is made of Diamonds, you will loose that customer against your competitor that uses a reputable well known system. So never buy an unknown system with no clinical trial and research.

Always ask where the machine come from as well as all of it’s data, certification and the type of support you are getting.

Wenn Unternehmen eine Maschine und eine Schulung kaufen, vergessen sie vor allem die Marketingunterstützung. Ich meine, jeder Lieferant kann Unternehmen Marketingunterstützung anbieten. Eine TV-Werbung ist Marketingunterstützung und eine unbekannte Marke mit ein paar Flyern oder Schaufensterplakaten mit ausgeschnittenen und eingefügten Bildern von Google ist ebenfalls Marketingunterstützung.

Denken Sie daran, dass eine Marke nicht nur ein Logo ist und Sie für den Erfolg bezahlen und nicht nur für die Maschine oder das Training selbst. Wenn ein Unternehmen Schwierigkeiten hat, sich selbst zu vermarkten, warum sollte es sich mit Ihnen befassen und wie wird Ihr Unternehmen bekannt sein?

It takes years of good reputation and a team of experienced marketers in order to grow a brand, which your potential customers have already heard of and your competitors be afraid of.

Let me ask you a question if you are a shop owner, would you sell Coca-cola or unbranded cola? The truth is, you will not even stock Cola for free if your customers do not desire it. Unless Pepsi comes along and presents you with a better return on investment for your shop, of course.

Ich sage jetzt nicht, dass wir so groß sind wie Coca-Cola oder Pepsi, aber innerhalb der Laserindustrie möchte man nur mit dem König der Laser in Verbindung gebracht werden!

Importance of Advanced technologies in salons cannot be less less highlighted as there you need technologies that are up-to-date and require constant update so that there is a link with your customers.

Schau mal was Allwhite Laser für Ihre Geschäftsinvestition zu bieten hat.

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