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The AW3® Flash Pico™ sets the diamond standard in tattoo and pigmentation removal, delivering exceptional results with unmatched speed and comfort. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, this system is the choice of top professionals who demand the best for their clients.
Unparalleled Speed and Precision: The Flash Pico™ operates at ten times the speed of traditional systems, dramatically reducing treatment times while enhancing patient comfort. Its advanced technology ensures faster recovery between sessions, making it the most efficient solution for tattoo and pigmentation removal on the market.
Versatile 7-Joint Articulate Arm: Designed for precision and ease of use, the 7-joint articulate arm allows for seamless treatment across various areas of the body. This feature, combined with the system’s robust and sleek design, ensures that each session is both effective and comfortable for both technician and patient.
Broad Spectrum Wavelengths: The Flash Pico™ offers multiple wavelengths—1064nm, 532nm, and 755nm—with optional 650nm and 585nm, allowing it to target a wide range of pigments and skin conditions. This versatility makes it ideal for removing everything from dark tattoos to light pigments, as well as treating birthmarks and rejuvenating sun-damaged skin.
Collaborative Excellence: Developed in the UK, the Flash Pico™ is the result of a global collaboration with leading brands from Italy, South Korea, and the USA. This international partnership has produced a system that is not only scientifically advanced but also built to the highest standards of quality and performance.
The AW3® Flash Pico™ is more than just a tattoo removal machine—it's a revolution in aesthetic technology. With its superior speed, precision, and versatility, the Flash Pico™ delivers phenomenal results, making it a must-have for any high-end clinic or hospital. Whether you're treating tattoos, pigmentation, or rejuvenating the skin, this system ensures that you stand out from the crowd with results that speak for themselves.
Vea cómo AW3® puede ayudarle a mejorar su práctica
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Vea cómo AW3® puede ayudarle a mejorar su práctica
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La tecnología AW3 es utilizada por Jay Hutton en el studio de Tatuajes llamado "Adrenaline", studio que anteriormente hizo su aparición en el programa de televisión ¨Tattoo Fixers¨.
Rejuvenecimiento cutáneo con AW3 Yag y pasta de carbón vegetal
La mejor exposición de marketing para su clínica le asegurará que no tendrá competencia. Juntos, somos KING OF LASERS®.
Technical Specifications:
Resultados de sólo unas pocas clínicas que utilizan la tecnología AW3. Algunas aún no han completado todas las sesiones. Puede encontrar miles de resultados más directamente de proveedores de AW3 de todo el mundo. Únase hoy mismo a la marca de láser con más éxito.
En AW3®, tenemos un historial comprobado de satisfacción del cliente y experiencia en la industria. Nuestra amplia investigación y desarrollo aseguran que nuestro equipo esté siempre actualizado con la última tecnología, brindando los mejores resultados para sus clientes.
Respaldamos la calidad de nuestro equipo, por lo que ofrecemos una garantía del fabricante. Nuestro riguroso proceso de control de calidad garantiza que nuestro equipo sea confiable y esté construido para durar, lo que le brinda tranquilidad con cada compra.
Nuestro equipo de representantes dedicados está aquí para apoyarlo en cada paso del camino, ya que nuestros representantes están comprometidos a ayudarlo a crecer y alcanzar sus objetivos, desde el desarrollo comercial hasta la capacitación de equipos.
Ser cliente de AW3® te otorga la oportunidad de aparecer en nuestro Directorio de proveedores de tratamiento porque este directorio brinda exposición a su negocio y lo ayuda a atraer nuevos clientes al mostrar sus servicios a clientes potenciales.
We understand the importance of effective branding and marketing for your business. That’s why we offer complimentary advice and materials to help you market your services and attract new customers.
At AW3®, we want to ensure that you get the most out of your equipment. That’s why we offer formación gratuita con cada compra a través de nuestro Academia AW3®. Nuestros instructores altamente experimentados y totalmente certificados se asegurarán de que usted tenga el conocimiento y las habilidades para operar el equipo de manera segura.
Seguimos dedicados a ofrecer soporte técnico continuo a nuestros clientes. Ya sea que necesite ayuda para solucionar problemas o servicio posventa, nuestro equipo de expertos está aquí para ayudarlo en cada paso del camino.
Además, el AW3® es la opción clara para quienes buscan dispositivos estéticos de alta calidad basados en energía. Con más de 25 años de experiencia en la industria, garantía del fabricante, soporte representativo dedicado y acceso a nuestro directorio de proveedores de tratamiento, soporte de marca y marketing, capacitadores altamente experimentados y soporte técnico continuo, puede estar seguro de que recibirá un servicio incomparable y la mejor calidad. -Productos de línea.
At AW3®, quality control is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that proper training is just as crucial as the quality of the systems we design. That’s why we insist that all training is conducted by approved AW3® trainers who are either qualified assessors or doctors, ensuring that every user is equipped to achieve the best possible results.
Unlike third-party training providers, our trainers have an in-depth understanding of our machines, which is essential for maximizing their potential. This commitment to quality control guarantees that you can deliver superior treatments, consistently meeting the high standards that your clients expect.
Free Training for Up to 4 Staff Members: When you invest in an AW3® device, you're not just getting cutting-edge technology—you’re also gaining access to industry-leading training for your team, ensuring your business delivers outstanding results from day one.
Our training program includes:
Elevate your business with AW3®—where quality training meets innovative technology.
En el mundo de la estética en constante evolución, donde las tendencias cambian y la tecnología evoluciona, la necesidad de un aprendizaje continuo es innegable.
Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner looking to elevate your skills or an aspiring professional taking your first steps in the industry, AW3® Academy is here to be your guiding light.
Entendemos los desafíos que enfrenta, desde satisfacer las diversas demandas de los clientes hasta garantizar que su práctica siga siendo rentable. ¿Nuestra misión? Para empoderarlo con conocimientos, habilidades prácticas y una experiencia de aprendizaje transformadora que lo encamine hacia la excelencia.
What sets us apart? Our commitment to helping practitioners flourish is not just a statement; it’s a promise reflected in our exclusive offer: free training with every AW3® device purchase, extending to up to four members of your staff.
This is more than education; it’s a commitment to your success and the success of your entire team.
En AW3® Academy creemos firmemente que el conocimiento es la piedra angular del éxito. Nuestros cursos meticulosamente elaborados brindan acceso a los últimos avances en tecnología estética y técnicas de vanguardia.
Manténgase a la vanguardia y ubíquese a la vanguardia de la industria, respaldado por nuestro compromiso con su educación continua.
Learn from the best in the business! Our team of expert educators comprises industry veterans who are truly passionate about sharing their knowledge. Benefit from their extensive experience and gain invaluable insights that can’t be found elsewhere, all backed by our dedication to your continuous growth.
Si bien la teoría es crucial, la verdadera magia ocurre con la experiencia práctica. Sumérgete en una formación práctica utilizando equipos de última generación y escenarios de la vida real.
Salga con la confianza de brindar tratamientos de primer nivel y obtener resultados excepcionales, gracias a nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con el desarrollo de sus habilidades prácticas.
Su éxito es nuestra principal prioridad. Los cursos de la Academia AW3® no sólo son reconocidos a nivel nacional sino también internacional.
Esto significa que la certificación que obtuvo con tanto esfuerzo tiene un peso sustancial dondequiera que lo lleve su carrera, lo que solidifica nuestro compromiso de abrir puertas para su crecimiento profesional.
Eleva tu carrera de estética con AW3® Academy y ofrece a tus clientes los resultados más excepcionales.
Our commitment to empowering practitioners is unwavering, and with our exclusive offer of free training with any device purchase, we ensure up to four members of your staff can enhance their skills.
Elevate your business with AW3®—where quality training meets innovative technology.
At AW3®, quality control is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that proper training is just as crucial as the quality of the systems we design. That’s why we insist that all training is conducted by approved AW3® trainers who are either qualified assessors or doctors, ensuring that every user is equipped to achieve the best possible results.
Unlike third-party training providers, our trainers have an in-depth understanding of our machines, which is essential for maximizing their potential. This commitment to quality control guarantees that you can deliver superior treatments, consistently meeting the high standards that your clients expect.
The AW3® machines are designed with an intuitive user interface that simplifies the entire operation process, making training both efficient and enjoyable. Our engineers have incorporated years of research and innovation to create a system where parameters and settings are automatically optimized, reducing the learning curve for your staff. This advanced design not only accelerates training but also ensures consistent, high-quality treatment outcomes. By eliminating unnecessary complexity, we empower your team to focus on delivering exceptional service, resulting in a superior experience for both you and your clients.
24 meses de garantía de la máquina con la opción de ampliar a más, a menos que se indique lo contrario en su pedido. Encontrará todos los términos de la garantía en el pie de página de este sitio web.
Una vez que los pagos completos se borran, vamos a organizar el envío directamente a su puerta. El estado del pedido de la máquina puede mostrar que su artículo está en stock, pero la maquinaria real se fabrica bajo pedido y puede tardar entre 3 y 7 días laborables en construirse, las máquinas más grandes pueden tardar más dependiendo del momento de la compra. Su representante puede proporcionarle una indicación más clara de la fecha de entrega antes de comprometerse.
Los gastos de envío se calculan automáticamente en su cesta de la compra con una empresa de mensajería adecuada en función de su ubicación. Por favor, asegúrese de que hay alguien disponible para ayudar al conductor a levantar la máquina pesada a su puerta, de lo contrario se puede volver a organizar la entrega directamente con el conductor.
Una vez recibidos los artículos, inspecciónelos en un plazo de 7 días en caso de que se hayan producido daños durante el transporte. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para organizar la capacitación sólo después de haber recibido su equipo en condiciones de funcionamiento y todos los pagos se hayan liquidado en nuestra cuenta.
El material de marketing y formación sólo podrá serle entregado por el capacitador después del día de su capacitación. Puede pagar los gastos de envío a una empresa de envío concreta en el momento de pagar, pero tenemos derecho a elegir la empresa que esté disponible el día del envío.
Sólo elegiremos un servicio similar al que usted haya pagado. Hay un porcentaje muy pequeño de entregas que no llegarán a tiempo debido a diversas razones con la empresa de envío.
No tenemos control sobre esto y haremos un seguimiento de sus artículos en consecuencia. En el caso de algunos artículos de gran tamaño, deberá abonar los gastos de reenvío si no cumple el plazo de entrega. Tendrá que pagar directamente a la empresa de mensajería y acordar con ellos la nueva entrega. Si desea que le enviemos la máquina por mar o aire al puerto, háganoslo saber. El comprador deberá pagar los gastos de aduana o manipulación, si los hubiera.
If you are paying by credit/debit card/electronically via the website gateway, we can only ship physical items to your billing registered address. If you would like your items to be shipped to an alternative address, we can only accept cleared bank transfer as a form of payment.
The results have been insane, especially on the tattoo side of things. Hair removal again, really, really good. Carbon facials, everyone that has one seems to be so, so happy with the results.
Been nothing but great feedback since I’ve had this machine results is my sort of main priority. Having a machine that is going to give the result. You’re just going to end up getting yourself in trouble.
Allwhite Laser AW3 has been the perfect match for my business. The support, aftercare and training has been incredible.
It should always be about the results. And I think the results that this machine has aren’t comparable to most other machines.
We just went through the different machines available for laser, and through a lot of online research we wanted to be sure that the machine that we choose is up to the standard that we want.
The machine’s amazing and the results are outstanding. I haven’t had any bad reviews from it. I started off with the Flash Ink and two years ago I got the Flash Combo machine and the result are just amazing. I had a lot of inquiries about hair removal, which I didn’t do at the time, so I decided to upgrade the machine to then offer more treatments to my clients.
The bigger I got, the more treatments that people are asking me to do, which at the time I couldn’t. So upgraded the machine and offered more to my customers really. You can help so many more clients, if they start with hair removal one area they definitely have another area straight after so, yes, same with tattoo removal. When they know that it works, they will then go into another area to remove something else.
In the beginning, I originally purchased a machine and wasn’t getting great results, so I then did a bit of research online. AW3® is obviously a very reputable company and I was able to purchase a machine that I am getting great results from.
All my treatments are laser-based. From laser hair removal, tattoo removal, semi-permanent makeup removal, and IPL skin treatments. When I was looking for the machine, originally I looked into laser hair removal, but then I thought, if I’m going to have a bigger variety of treatments from one machine, this was beneficial for my business because I can offer more than just laser hair removal.
They have been very supportive from the initial conversations through helping me to choose the right machine for me, to offering the qualifications and the training and also after-sales support, which is very important. I was looking for a machine which I can trust, and also gives me amazing results and AW3 definitely delivered.
The machine is really easy to use.
We were looking for someone UK based with the leading technology and the support we’ve gotten from them. It’s been amazing. And the Combo V Plus. I thought I was getting a laser, not multiple lasers.
I was able to advance my treatments from tattoo and hair removal, carbon facials, skin rejuvenation, acne treatment, which is big among men. Especially the younger generation.
I started doing general beauty treatments and built my business up that way, as soon as I could, I invested into the machines, which literally changed my business completely.