AW3® Flash Pico™

Pico Tattoo Removal & Pigmentation Removal of all colours.

Addicted to tattoo removal?

Stand out from the crowd. Loved by celebrities, extraordinary results and pushing everything out of its pathway.

AW3 Flash Pico is the diamond standard of tattoo removal today. It is exceptionally fast and the comfortability of this treatment has been enhanced.

Science combine with beauty is now possible with this extraordinary system. The 7 joint articulate arm is exceptional in quality, making treatment speed faster and, the recovery time less as well as the results far better.

The AW3 Flash Pico is designed specifically to remove tattoos and pigmentation. The added function offers various treatments for skin conditions such as birthmark removal, sun damaged skin as well as skin rejuvenation.

AW3 collaborated with leading brands to implement many customisations into this system, making it the most effective laser system that every professional clinic should have. The system is built for businesses who wish to take up another level of professionalism in their performance and results.

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