AW3® Flash Ink™ Plus

액체 냉각-jㅋㅋㅋ

The AW3®Flash Ink- ND Yag Laser system is best known to be the most effective tattoo removal system. When shooting the Neo Dynamium – Yttrium Aluminium Garnet Laser at the treated area, the pigment particles absorb the light energy and explode rapidly, bursting into tiny pieces, thus diminishing the colour density to get rid of tattoo and skin pigments.

  • Remove  tattoos and pigmentation
  • 모든 피부 타입과 문신에 적합합니다.
  • 흉터는 과거의 일입니다 - AW3 ND Yag Stone Q Switched 기술로 흉터 위험을 최소화합니다.
  • 아름다운 디자인, 고품질 제작 및 탁월한 결과
  • 모반 제거, 피부 색소침착, 피부 회춘 등 다양한 피부 상태를 제공하는 기능이 추가되었습니다.
  • This is a registered device, copyrighted and trademarked verified. This is not a poor imitation of similar looking machines.

This is a registered medical device of the latest MDR Regulation May 2021, copyrighted and trademarked verified. This is not a poor imitation like similar looking machines.

medical grade

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