Encomenda expressa Mundialmente*
Amado por milhares de Profissionais
Liderando a inovação para 25+ anos
Encomenda expressa Mundialmente*
Amado por milhares de Profissionais
Liderando a inovação para 25+ anos
Maior fabricante de equipamentos no Reino Unido e na Europa, com centros de suporte em todo o mundo. Estamos equipados com uma fábrica de 15.000 pés quadrados repleta de equipamentos tecnológicos de engenharia para atender nossos clientes. Com excelente atendimento ao cliente e suporte de marketing, a equipe AW3 está aqui para o seu negócio. Ajudando milhares de clínicas a terem sucesso em todo o mundo, as empresas nunca se sentirão sozinhas quando fizerem parte da comunidade AW3.
Saber mais Play VideoAs an ISO 13485:2016 certified manufacturer, our state of the art facility must be able to demonstrate our quality management processes and ensure best practice in everything we do, in order to meet this highly regulated standard.
AW3® continuously find ways to improve our technology year on year. Allowing us to cut costs while simultaneously increasing efficiency, tightening tolerances, and providing a more reliable product for our customers.
Saber maisWe’ve trained thousands! As much as it is important to have a great system, the training and technique itself is very important to achieve maximum results. With years of clinical trials, scientific research and development, we are able to pass on this experience to all our members.
It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, we have a variety of options from online, offline, videos and in person practical training.
Saber maisUm fabricante de renome mundial de dispositivos baseados em energia, liderando a inovação em lasers médicos e estéticos por mais de 25 anos.
Saber maisCheck Out the Full AW3® Product Line, Our Devices Offer Advanced Technology and Versatile Solutions for Aesthetic & Medical Procedures
Explore Catalog Solicitar financiamentoIt’s super important that a manufacturer provides training for their own equipment.
The benefit of doing laser instead of waxing is that it’s a faster service and a more permanent way of ridding yourself of the hair.
The machine, because it has three handles, can do the palest of the pale skin to the darkest of the dark skin, because of the wavelengths and the energy in each handle. It’s all specifically designed for all skin types.
I found AW3 after doing a lot of research on laser hair removal. As in our community, excess hair growth is a big problem with waxing. You don’t get the results long term. So I researched and found AllWhite Laser and I’ve never looked back. My clients, they were all sick of waxing and threading. They wanted something a bit more long lasting.
We had excellent feedback from the clients they seen a difference from the first session or even second one. The quality of our Schnelle Ultra is really good, it’s easy to use is not complicated at all, and the results are very good.
I wanted to offer more services for the clients. We did a little bit of research and we saw it was an opportunity to have the laser. We came across AW3 and it did show us it’s having a lot consistency and efficiency on the treatments. So we decided to go with AW3.
This is a permanent solution that removes the hair follicle rather than just a wax or a thread. Which obviously is not permanent. It’s very easy to use from the beginning, it was pretty much straightforward even just from two to three sessions I’ve seen amazing results after the six to eight sessions it’s completely gone. They’re in love with the treatment.
I started doing a bit of market research I had a few treatments done myself. I found that they were one of the best on the market. The support groups were quite good. Customer service was good generally answered all the questions that I needed to answer.
They were result-driven as well, so they delivered really good results, which obviously would retain clients better
I started doing general beauty treatments and built my business up that way, as soon as I could, I invested into the machines, which literally changed my business completely.
We were looking for someone UK based with the leading technology and the support we’ve gotten from them. It’s been amazing. And the V Combo Plus. I thought I was getting a laser, not multiple lasers.
I was able to advance my treatments from tattoo and hair removal, carbon facials, skin rejuvenation, acne treatment, which is big among men. Especially the younger generation.
When I went to AW3’s main campus, I was shocked. The layout, everything, the just the ambiance, walking in it was so professional. My instructor, she was phenomenal. Any question I had was not a stupid question. She held my hand and went through everything.
The system is so easy to use. They’ve tailored it perfectly for any individual to just put in your code press the system and You know exactly what you do. I know they’ve told me I can contact them whenever I get worried. I’ve never needed to be worried. They walked me through every single step of it. I’m fully confident using their own system because it’s their system. They can provide excellent training and I would highly recommend anyone looking to increase their business to a new level.
They have been very supportive from the initial conversations through helping me to choose the right machine for me, to offering the qualifications and the training and also after-sales support, which is very important. I was looking for a machine which I can trust, and also gives me amazing results and AW3 definitely delivered.
The machine is really easy to use.
All my treatments are laser-based. From laser hair removal, tattoo removal, semi-permanent makeup removal, and IPL skin treatments. When I was looking for the machine, originally I looked into laser hair removal, but then I thought, if I’m going to have a bigger variety of treatments from one machine, this was beneficial for my business because I can offer more than just laser hair removal.
Pronto para levar sua prática estética para o próximo nível? Torne-se um fornecedor AW3® e junte-se ao grupo de profissionais líderes do setor.
Com nossa tecnologia de ponta e academia de treinamento abrangente, você terá as ferramentas e o conhecimento para entregar resultados excepcionais aos seus clientes.
IniciarEntre no futuro da depilação com a tecnologia inovadora do AW3®. Nossas soluções de ponta oferecem tratamentos seguros, rápidos e praticamente indolores que proporcionam ótimos resultados em todas as áreas do corpo e do rosto. Deixe para trás os métodos tradicionais e abrace uma nova era de depilação. Desbloqueie o potencial do AW3® e eleve sua experiência de depilação a novos patamares. Experimente a diferença hoje.
Saber mais Encontre um ProvedorDescubra o poder do AW3® na remoção de tatuagens. Nossa tecnologia avançada oferece soluções eficazes para remover tatuagens indesejadas com precisão e eficiência. Diga adeus ao arrependimento da tatuagem e abrace uma tela nova. Com o AW3® ao seu lado, você pode confiar em nossa experiência e em nossos dispositivos de última geração para fornecer resultados notáveis. Experimente a jornada transformadora da remoção de tatuagens e desbloqueie um novo capítulo de autoexpressão. Liberte as possibilidades com AW3® hoje.
Uncover the science behind AW3®’s Cryo Lipo technology, a revolutionary method for sculpting your body and reducing stubborn pockets of fat. Experience the power of cold as it selectively targets and eliminates fat cells, allowing you to achieve the contoured figure you desire.
Saber mais Encontre um ProvedorO tratamento não invasivo de última geração aproveita o poder dos pulsos eletromagnéticos para estimular as contrações musculares, proporcionando definição e força muscular notáveis. Em apenas uma sessão de trinta minutos, a Estimulação Muscular Eletromagnética pode fornecer o equivalente a 20.000 abdominais ou agachamentos em contrações, tornando-a uma solução eficiente e eficaz para atingir seus objetivos de condicionamento físico. Experimente os benefícios transformadores da Estimulação Muscular Eletromagnética e esculpa seu corpo com perfeição.
O IPL Skin Rejuvenation do AW3® oferece uma solução não invasiva e eficaz para rejuvenescer a pele, deixando-a com uma aparência renovada, radiante e jovem. Usando a tecnologia de luz intensa pulsada (IPL), este tratamento avançado visa problemas comuns da pele, como danos causados pelo sol, manchas senis, tom de pele irregular e linhas finas. Experimente o poder transformador do IPL Skin Rejuvenation e desbloqueie uma tez mais luminosa e rejuvenescida. Volte no tempo no envelhecimento e revele a beleza natural da sua pele com a tecnologia IPL Skin Rejuvenation do AW3®.
À medida que envelhecemos, as células de colágeno se esgotam, levando à flacidez da pele e ao desenvolvimento de linhas finas e rugas. Com o AW3® Clarity™ 2000 Sistema HiFu, a energia do ultrassom é fornecida com precisão nas profundidades e temperaturas certas para desencadear uma resposta regenerativa natural sob a pele. Isso inicia a produção de novo colágeno, resultando em uma pele mais firme e mais jovem. Experimente os benefícios deste tratamento não invasivo que rejuvenesce naturalmente a pele, reduz o aparecimento de rugas e restaura uma aparência mais firme e jovem. Adote uma abordagem não cirúrgica para obter uma pele radiante e de aparência mais jovem com a tecnologia HiFu do AW3®.
Transforme sua pele com o Laser Fracionado de Co2, a solução definitiva para o rejuvenescimento da pele. Experimente o poder da tecnologia avançada que visa e revitaliza a sua pele, reduzindo o aparecimento de cicatrizes, rugas e outras imperfeições. Obtenha uma pele mais suave e jovem com nosso Laser Fracionado de Co2 seguro e eficaz.