购买二手AllWhite Laser机器的风险


作为沙龙或诊所业主,投资高质量的设备对于为客户提供安全有效的治疗至关重要。在购买 AllWhite Laser 机器时,直接从授权经销商或分销商处购买至关重要,以确保设备的质量和安全。虽然从未经授权的个人那里购买二手机器以节省成本可能很诱人,但这样做可能会导致一系列问题,从长远来看最终会让您付出更多代价。


未经授权的卖家可能提供非正品 AllWhite Laser 产品的机器。这些假冒机器通常缺乏正品 AllWhite Laser 机器附带的质量标准和安全功能。使用假冒机器可能会导致治疗无效、安全隐患和昂贵的维修费用。

Financial Obligations

There’s a significant risk that the purchased machine may still be under a financing agreement with the manufacturer. In such cases, these machines cannot be legally resold until the financial obligations have been settled with the company. Failure to address this issue can lead to legal complications and financial liabilities for the buyer.

Recertification Expenses

In many cases, buying second-hand equipment entails additional costs such as recertification. This process is often necessary to become a recognised customer and undergo training with the company. Ironically, these recertification expenses aswell as the price of purchasing secondhand sometimes amount to the cost of purchasing a brand-new machine altogether, making the perceived savings of a second-hand purchase negligible.




一些 AllWhite Laser 机器需要定期校准,以确保它们提供安全有效治疗所需的精确能量输出。从未经授权的卖家处购买时,您无法知道机器是否已正确校准或维修。这可能会导致治疗无效或存在潜在危险。


At AllWhite Laser, we prioritise transparency and reliability. We encourage our clients to make informed decisions that prioritise safety, effectiveness, and long-term cost efficiency. Feel free to reach out to our team for guidance on navigating the purchase of laser equipment, and let’s ensure your business thrives with top-quality solutions. Buying directly from AllWhite Laser ensures as a manufacturer you receive a warranty and ongoing support. If you purchase a machine second-hand from an unauthorised individual, you won’t have access to these important benefits. This can result in costly repairs or even having to purchase a new machine altogether.

总之,购买激光或 IPL 机器等基于能量的设备是一项重大投资,重要的是要确保您获得优质产品,为患者提供安全有效的治疗。虽然通过从未经授权的个人那里购买二手机器来省钱可能很诱人,但这可能会导致一系列问题,从长远来看,最终会让您付出更多的代价。这些问题可能包括机器故障、安全隐患以及需要昂贵的维修或更换。

但是,如果您有兴趣以较低的成本购买 AllWhite Laser 机器,我们有时会以折扣价提供前演示机器。这些机器已经过严格的质量控制检查和/或维修,以确保它们符合我们的高标准。在 AllWhite Laser,我们致力于为客户提供最好的产品和服务。我们的专家团队随时可以回答您有关我们的机器、培训或持续支持的任何问题。我们致力于帮助您在您的领域取得成功 业务和提供 为您的患者提供安全有效的治疗。 今天就联系吧!