
Certainly, the pursuit of effective and long-lasting hair removal has been significantly enhanced by modern technologies like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Laser Hair Removal, exemplified by cutting-edge devices such as the AW3 Laser. These methods represent remarkable feats of scientific innovation, providing not only better results but also increased comfort and convenience.

Throughout history, people have sought ways to manage unwanted hair, using various methods from ancient flint razors to modern techniques like shaving and waxing. However, these traditional approaches often offer only temporary solutions. Even more advanced methods like needle epilation, while effective, can be time-consuming due to their need for individual hair targeting.

Laser Hair Removal, including the technology embodied by AW3 Laser, operates on the principle of selective photothermolysis, using concentrated light to target hair follicles’ melanin pigment. This impedes their ability to produce new hair, leading to long-term reduction. The AW3 Laser offers various laser types tailored to different skin tones and hair colours, demonstrating its commitment to inclusivity and effectiveness.

Similarly, IPL Hair Removal by AW3 utilises intense pulses of light to target and damage hair follicles, preventing regrowth. Customisable parameters ensure precision and effectiveness across diverse skin and hair types. Compared to traditional methods, IPL Hair Removal offers a gentler experience with quicker sessions, making it suitable for busy lifestyles.

Both IPL and Laser Hair Removal treatments by AW3 can be used to remove unwanted hair from areas such as the upper lip, providing targeted results with minimal discomfort. The technology is effective for both lighter skin and dark hair as well as darker skin tones, offering versatility in treatment options.

Individuals undergoing IPL or Laser Hair Removal treatments typically experience a gradual reduction in hair growth over a series of sessions, with significant improvement visible within 4-6 weeks. This timeline makes the procedure ideal for those seeking efficient and lasting results.

The collective efforts of scientific inquiry and technological advancement, as demonstrated by AW3, have revolutionised hair removal, offering lasting results and freeing individuals from the burden of unwanted hair. By embracing IPL and Laser Hair Removal by AW3, individuals can enjoy smoother, hair-free skin, elevating their confidence and simplifying their routines. With AW3 technology, the journey to radiant skin is no longer a distant dream but a tangible reality.


借助 AW3®,您可以将您的实践提升到一个新的水平,并为您的客户提供最佳的结果。


创新和技术是我们 25 年扎实研发的成果

Crystal Freeze®技术

体验 Crystal Freeze® 技术无与伦比的舒适度和满意度,这是一项商标创新,将激光治疗提升到一个全新的水平。凭借其先进的最先进的冷却解决方案和精确的温度控制,Crystal Freeze® 可确保几乎无痛的体验,将客户的舒适度放在首位。

激光和 IPL 脱毛


体验 Optimum Energy™ 的下一代激光脱毛技术。 Optimum Energy™ 旨在提供精确的能量输送和卓越的光束轮廓精度,确保您的治疗具有卓越的效果和效率。与传统激光系统相比,Optimum Energy™ 的效果和效率提高了 9 倍,彻底改变了您的脱毛方式。

激光和 IPL 脱毛

Intelligent Pulse™

Intelligent Pulse™ 软件为技术人员实现了技术方面的自动化,提高了效率,并提供了直观的界面,使技术人员即使技术经验有限,也能够为其客户提供高质量的治疗。

激光和 IPL 脱毛

Amplified Pulse™

Amplified Pulse™ 技术是一种先进的激光系统,可为经验丰富的用户提供无与伦比的控制和定制选项,使其成为任何诊所或沙龙的宝贵补充。

激光和 IPL 脱毛


这种专有的双重过滤系统通过去除有害水颗粒和循环纯水来确保激光系统的最大性能和可靠性,从而延长机器和手柄的使用寿命,更精确的处理结果,以及 高达 90% 的最佳性能和可靠性。

激光和 IPL 脱毛





头发的生长分为三个不同的周期,永久脱毛只能成功治疗处于生长期的头发。因此,通常需要进行 3-6 次治疗,确保每次治疗之间至少间隔 6-8 周,然后仅在头发恢复时重复治疗。


To ensure as many hair follicles are targeted as possible, it is also important not to undergo any hair removal for at least four weeks before the appointment or during treatment. The same rule applies to any sun treatments, as a tan will raise the pigment level in the skin and have a severe effect on the treatment’s success.






AW3 照射器内将光线引导至皮肤的玻璃棱镜尺寸为 15 毫米 x 50 毫米,因此一次闪光可以瞄准大面积区域。我们的系统拥有市场上最大的光斑尺寸,并且是唯一具有无延迟自动闪光的系统。这意味着在 15-30 分钟内完成一次全腿护理,而不是 90 分钟。


记录 AW3 安全性和有效性的临床试验是由领先的医生在产品发布之前进行的。这些测试的结果随后发表在受人尊敬的医学期刊上。用于您治疗的设置将基于进行临床试验的临床医生推荐的设置。



对于较大区域的治疗,许多 IPL 脱毛设备都配有更宽的治疗窗口或专为腿部或背部等较大区域设计的附件。这意味着您可以用更少的时间和更少的精力交付客户想要的结果。

此外,某些 IPL 设备的一个重要功能是自动肤色传感器。这项创新技术可以检测皮肤的颜色并相应地调整光的强度。这可确保您安全有效地使用设备,并为客户的肤色获得最佳效果。