VTCT Level 4 Qualification in Laser & Light Therapies: Hair Removal & Skin Rejuvenation

The VTCT Level 4 Laser & Light course is a comprehensive program designed to equip you with advanced knowledge and skills in aesthetic laser treatments. Dive into the world of laser physics, skin anatomy, and the latest advancements in laser technologies. Gain the confidence to perform safe and effective treatments on clients, leaving them with remarkable results.

Qualifications in VTCT Level 4

1) VTCT Level 4 Award in Laser and Light Treatments for Hair Reduction (QCF)
2) VTCT Level 4 Award in Laser and Light Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation (QCF)

The price includes the VTCT Registration fee. The total cost of the course is non-refundable once paid. 

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