Cryogenic Lipolysis vs Laser Lipolysis: What’s the Difference?

Cryogenic Lipolysis vs Laser Lipolysis has been the main concern of this article as we will help you to choose the Best between the two!

If you’re looking to reduce stubborn pockets of fat, you may be considering Cryogenic Lipolysis and Laser Lipolysis as potential options.

While both treatments are designed to provide safe and effective body contouring results, there are some key differences between the two procedures.


  • Cryogenic Lipolysis

Cryogenic Lipolysis, also known as “Fat Freeze,” is a non-invasive body contouring technique that uses extreme cold to freeze and kill fat cells. During the treatment, we place a Cryogenic Lipolysis machine on the target area, and the machine administers controlled cooling to the fat cells cooling process causes the fat cells to crystallize and eventually die off.

Over time, the body naturally eliminates these dead fat cells, resulting in a slimmer and more contoured appearance.

One of the major benefits of Cryogenic Lipolysis is that it is a non-invasive procedure, meaning there are no incisions or surgical risks involved. Additionally, the results of Cryogenic Lipolysis are gradual and natural-looking, with no downtime required.

  • Lipolisi laser

Lipolisi laser, also known as “laser fat reduction,” is a non-invasive body contouring technique that uses laser energy to reduce stubborn pockets of fat.During the treatment, we position a Laser Lipolysis machine on the target area and deliver the laser energy to the fat cells.

The laser energy causes the fat cells to break down and eventually shrink. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these shrunk fat cells, resulting in a slimmer and more contoured appearance.

One of the major benefits of Lipolisi laser is that it is a non-invasive procedure, meaning there are no incisions or surgical risks involved. Additionally, the results of Lipolisi laser are gradual and natural-looking, with no downtime required.

Differences Between Cryogenic Lipolysis and Laser Lipolysis

While both Cryogenic Lipolysis and Lipolisi laser are non-invasive body contouring techniques, there are some key differences between the two procedures:

  • Cooling vs. Laser Energy: Cryogenic Lipolysis uses extreme cold to freeze fat cells, while Laser Lipolysis uses laser energy to break down fat cells.
  • Treatment Time: Cryogenic Lipolysis treatments typically take longer than Laser Lipolysis treatments.

AllWhite Laser provides top-of-the-line Cryogenic Lipolysis and Lipolisi laser machines that utilize advanced technology for safe and effective body contouring treatments.

We’ve specially engineered our machines to deliver precise cooling or laser energy to the targeted area, reducing fat cells without impacting the surrounding tissue.

In addition, our AW3® Antarctica™ machine offers both Cryogenic Lipolysis and Lipolisi laser, as well as cavitation and radiofrequency (RF) treatments.

This all-in-one machine provides a comprehensive solution for body contouring, allowing you to offer a range of treatments to your clients with just one machine.

We also offer comprehensive training to our clients to ensure that they are using the machines correctly and effectively.

Our team of experts is always available to provide ongoing support and guidance to our clients, helping them deliver safe and effective body contouring treatments to their clients.

If you’re interested in incorporating Cryogenic Lipolysis O Lipolisi laser into your business or upgrading to an all-in-one solution with the AW3® Antarctica™ machine, contact us today to learn more about our machines and training programs.

Our team is here to help you offer safe and effective body contouring treatments that can help your clients achieve their aesthetic goals.