AW3® Flash Nano™
Verwydering van tatoeëermerke en pigmentasieverwydering van alle kleure
Die AW3 Flash Nano is spesifiek ontwerp om tatoeëermerke en pigmentasie van alle kleure te verwyder. Die bykomende funksie bied verskeie behandelings vir veltoestande soos geboortevlekverwydering, nevus van Ota asook velverjonging.
Dit is groter, dapper en beter as die standaard tatoeëermerkverwyderingstelsel. Die 6 gewrigte arm maak die stelsel meer veelsydig en mik meer presies. Dit is ontwerp om tatoeëermerke in minder behandelingsessies te verwyder, asook om elke behandelingstyd vir die tegnikus vinniger te maak. Die stelsel is gebou vir professionele klinieke vir tatoeëermerkverwydering wat nog 'n vlak van professionaliteit in hul resultate wil opneem.
AW3 het met toonaangewende handelsmerke saamgewerk om baie aanpassings in hierdie stelsel te implementeer, wat dit die doeltreffendste stelsel vir tatoeëermerkverwydering maak wat elke professionele kliniek behoort te hê. Die kwaliteit en oppergesag is vervolmaak aan die wetenskap en die koning van lasers sal nie die AW3-handelsmerk op die mark afstempel as daar iets beter van sy reeks is nie.
Dit is 'n geregistreerde toestel, kopiereg en handelsmerk geverifieer. Dit is nie 'n swak nabootsing soos soortgelyke masjiene nie.
Praat met 'n AW3®-verteenwoordiger
Kyk hoe AW3® kan help om jou praktyk te verhoog
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Praat met 'n AW3®-verteenwoordiger
Kyk hoe AW3® kan help om jou praktyk te verhoog
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Produk Beskrywing
AW3® Flash Nano™ (Verwydering van tatoeëermerke en pigmentasieverwydering)
- Tatoeëermerk verwydering
- Pigmentasie verwydering
- Verwydering van geboortevlek
Die dubbele lamp en dubbelkristal binne die masjien is baie duursaamer en doeltreffender as ander soortgelyke masjiene. Die stelsel is enig in sy soort en is een van slegs 'n paar stelsels in die wêreld wat hierdie tipe tegnologiese implementering verkry. AW3 is trots om hierdie stelsel in die Verenigde Koninkryk te ontwikkel, die tuisdorp van laserinnovasies.
Groottes en afmetings
Masjienboks: 67 x 35 x 58 cm – 85 kg
Deel boks: 58 x 41 x 20 cm – 18 kg
SCW: 80 kg
At AW3®, quality control is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that proper training is just as crucial as the quality of the systems we design. That’s why we insist that all training is conducted by approved AW3® trainers who are either qualified assessors or doctors, ensuring that every user is equipped to achieve the best possible results.
Unlike third-party training providers, our trainers have an in-depth understanding of our machines, which is essential for maximizing their potential. This commitment to quality control guarantees that you can deliver superior treatments, consistently meeting the high standards that your clients expect.
Free Comprehensive Training with Every Device
Free Training for Up to 4 Staff Members: When you invest in an AW3® device, you're not just getting cutting-edge technology—you’re also gaining access to industry-leading training for your team, ensuring your business delivers outstanding results from day one.
Our training program includes:
- In-Depth Theory and Practical Training: Covering everything from consultation techniques to pre-treatment plans and safety protocols, ensuring your team is fully equipped to use the device effectively.
- Laser Safety Certification: Essential training for treatments involving Tattoo Removal, Hair Removal, and Class 4 Lasers.
- Ongoing Technical Support: Continuous access to expert advice and troubleshooting, so you’re never left in the dark.
- Professional Marketing Exposure: Boost your business with our promotional support, helping you attract more clients.
Elevate your business with AW3®—where quality training meets innovative technology.
Why Choose AW3® Training?
In the ever-evolving world of aesthetics, where trends shift and technology evolves, the need for continuous learning is undeniable.
Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner looking to elevate your skills or an aspiring professional taking your first steps in the industry, AW3® Academy is here to be your guiding light.
We understand the challenges you face – from meeting diverse client demands to ensuring your practice remains profitable. Our mission? To empower you with knowledge, practical skills, and a transformative learning experience that sets you on the path to excellence.
What sets us apart? Our commitment to helping practitioners flourish is not just a statement; it’s a promise reflected in our exclusive offer: free training with every AW3® device purchase, extending to up to four members of your staff.
This is more than education; it’s a commitment to your success and the success of your entire team.
Unleash Your Aesthetics Expertise
At AW3® Academy, we firmly believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of success. Our meticulously crafted courses provide access to the latest advancements in aesthetic technology and cutting-edge techniques.
Stay ahead of the curve and position yourself at the forefront of the industry, supported by our commitment to your ongoing education.
World-Class Educators
Learn from the best in the business! Our team of expert educators comprises industry veterans who are truly passionate about sharing their knowledge. Benefit from their extensive experience and gain invaluable insights that can’t be found elsewhere, all backed by our dedication to your continuous growth.
Hands-On Experience
While theory is crucial, the real magic happens with hands-on experience. Immerse yourself in practical training using state-of-the-art equipment and real-life scenarios.
Walk away with the confidence to provide top-notch treatments and deliver exceptional results, thanks to our unwavering commitment to your practical skills development.
Industry-Recognized Certifications
Your success is our top priority. AW3® Academy courses are not only nationally but also internationally recognized.
This means your hard-earned certification carries substantial weight wherever your career takes you, solidifying our commitment to opening doors for your professional growth.
Elevate your aesthetics career with AW3® Academy and offer your clients the most exceptional results.
Our commitment to empowering practitioners is unwavering, and with our exclusive offer of free training with any device purchase, we ensure up to four members of your staff can enhance their skills.
Elevate your business with AW3®—where quality training meets innovative technology.
At AW3®, quality control is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that proper training is just as crucial as the quality of the systems we design. That’s why we insist that all training is conducted by approved AW3® trainers who are either qualified assessors or doctors, ensuring that every user is equipped to achieve the best possible results.
Unlike third-party training providers, our trainers have an in-depth understanding of our machines, which is essential for maximizing their potential. This commitment to quality control guarantees that you can deliver superior treatments, consistently meeting the high standards that your clients expect.
Effortless Operation, Superior Results
The AW3® machines are designed with an intuitive user interface that simplifies the entire operation process, making training both efficient and enjoyable. Our engineers have incorporated years of research and innovation to create a system where parameters and settings are automatically optimized, reducing the learning curve for your staff. This advanced design not only accelerates training but also ensures consistent, high-quality treatment outcomes. By eliminating unnecessary complexity, we empower your team to focus on delivering exceptional service, resulting in a superior experience for both you and your clients.
Gereelde Vrae
24 maande masjienwaarborg met die opsie om verder te verleng, tensy anders vermeld op jou bestelling. Volledige waarborgbepalings kan op die voetskrif van hierdie webwerf gevind word.
Machine Delivery
Sodra volle betalings uitgeklaar is, sal ons versending direk na jou deur reël. Masjienbestellingstatus kan wys dat jou item in voorraad is, maar die werklike masjinerie word op bestelling gemaak en kan tussen 3-7 werksdae neem om te bou, groter masjiene kan langer neem afhangende van die tyd van aankoop. Jou verteenwoordiger kan 'n duideliker aanduiding gee van afleweringsdatum voor verbintenis.
Posgeld word outomaties in jou inkopiemandjie bereken met 'n geskikte afleweringsmaatskappy, afhangende van jou ligging. Maak asseblief seker dat daar iemand beskikbaar is om die bestuurder te help om die swaar masjien tot by jou deur op te tel, anders kan jy aflewering direk met die bestuurder herreël.
Sodra jy jou items ontvang het, inspekteer binne 7 dae in geval van enige skade tydens vervoer. Kontak ons om eers vir die opleiding te reël nadat jy jou toerusting in werkende toestand ontvang het en alle betalings in ons rekening ingeboek is.
Bemarkings- en opleidingsmateriaal kan eers ná die dag van jou opleiding deur die afrigter aan jou gegee word. Jy kan dalk vir 'n spesifieke afleweringsmaatskappy betaal vir posgeld by uitcheck, maar ons het die reg om te kies watter koerier ook al beskikbaar is op die dag van versending van jou item.
Ons sal slegs 'n like vir soortgelyke diens kies waarvoor u betaal het. Daar is 'n baie klein persentasie aflewering wat nie betyds sal opdaag nie as gevolg van verskeie redes by die koeriermaatskappy.
Ons het nie beheer hieroor nie en sal u items dienooreenkomstig opspoor. Sommige groot items, jy sal moet betaal vir heraflewering as jy die afleweringsdatum gemis het. Jy sal direk aan die afleweringsmaatskappy moet betaal en heraflewering met hulle moet reël. As jy wil hê ons moet die masjien per see of per lug na die hawe stuur, laat weet ons asseblief. Kopers moet pasgemaakte of hanteringskoste betaal indien enige.
Payment Method
If you are paying by credit/debit card/electronically via the website gateway, we can only ship physical items to your billing registered address. If you would like your items to be shipped to an alternative address, we can only accept cleared bank transfer as a form of payment.
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