Nosso catálogo abrangente de cursos

Liberte sua experiência em estética

Leve sua carreira de estética a alturas com os cursos de ponta da AW3® Academy. Eleve seu conhecimento e permaneça na vanguarda do setor com nossos programas meticulosamente elaborados. De iniciantes a profissionais experientes, nossa experiência prática, educadores de classe mundial e certificações reconhecidas pelo setor irão capacitá-lo a fornecer resultados excepcionais aos seus clientes. Entre em um mundo de possibilidades infinitas e libere seu verdadeiro potencial com a AW3® Academy hoje mesmo. Sua jornada para se tornar um especialista em estética muito procurado começa aqui!

Por que escolher a Academia AW3®?

Com a AW3® Academy, você pode elevar sua carreira estética a novos patamares e oferecer aos seus clientes os resultados mais excepcionais.

Eleve sua experiência

Na AW3® Academy, acreditamos firmemente que o conhecimento é a base do sucesso. Nossos cursos meticulosamente elaborados oferecem acesso aos mais recentes avanços em tecnologia estética e técnicas de ponta. Fique à frente da curva e posicione-se na vanguarda do setor.

Educadores de classe mundial

Aprenda com os melhores do ramo! Nossa equipe de educadores especializados é composta por veteranos do setor que são verdadeiramente apaixonados por compartilhar seus conhecimentos. Beneficie-se de sua ampla experiência e obtenha insights valiosos que não podem ser encontrados em nenhum outro lugar.

Experiência pessoal

Embora a teoria seja crucial, a mágica acontece com a experiência prática. Mergulhe em treinamento prático usando equipamentos de última geração e cenários da vida real. Saia com a confiança necessária para fornecer tratamentos de primeira linha e resultados excepcionais.

Certificações reconhecidas pela indústria

Seu sucesso é nossa prioridade. Os cursos da AW3® Academy não são apenas reconhecidos nacionalmente, mas também internacionalmente. Isso significa que sua certificação arduamente conquistada tem um peso substancial onde quer que sua carreira o leve. Abra portas para novas oportunidades e deixe sua experiência brilhar em escala global.

Por que escolher AW3®?

Com o AW3®, você pode levar sua prática para o próximo nível e fornecer aos seus clientes os melhores resultados possíveis.

Pessoas reais. Resultados reais.

Don’t just take our word for it, here’s what the students had to say…

When I went to AW3's main campus, I was shocked. The layout, everything, the just the ambiance, walking in it was so professional. My instructor, she was phenomenal. Any question I had was not a stupid question. She held my hand and went through everything. The system is so easy to use. They've tailored it perfectly for any individual to just put in your code press the system and You know exactly what you do. I know they've told me I can contact them whenever I get worried. I've never needed to be worried. They walked me through every single step of it. I'm fully confident using their own system because it's their system. They can provide excellent training and I would highly recommend anyone looking to increase their business to a new level.
I think it's incredibly important for a manufacturer to offer in-house training as well, because each machine works differently.
It has been good dealing with the training team.   I've been down to AW3 twice now, and they've helped me bring other people on board as well to be able to help me grow the business between the manuals, the going down to the training academy and the online portal, there is a lot of information there to help you.
The training's amazing and you're hardly going to make a mistake because you've got them backing you the whole way.
They have been very supportive from the initial conversations through helping me to choose the right machine for me, to offering the qualifications and the training and also after-sales support, which is very important. I was looking for a machine which I can trust, and also gives me amazing results and AW3 definitely delivered. The machine is really easy to use.
My AllWhite laser machine is fantastic. It's really easy to use. but most importantly, the results from it are absolutely fantastic. And my clients love it as well.
It's super important that a manufacturer provides training for their own equipment.

When I went to AW3’s main campus, I was shocked. The layout, everything, the just the ambiance, walking in it was so professional. My instructor, she was phenomenal. Any question I had was not a stupid question. She held my hand and went through everything.

The system is so easy to use. They’ve tailored it perfectly for any individual to just put in your code press the system and You know exactly what you do. I know they’ve told me I can contact them whenever I get worried. I’ve never needed to be worried. They walked me through every single step of it. I’m fully confident using their own system because it’s their system. They can provide excellent training and I would highly recommend anyone looking to increase their business to a new level.

Gareth Dylan
King Street Grooming

I think it’s incredibly important for a manufacturer to offer in-house training as well, because each machine works differently.

Hayley Tapping
Hayley’s Hair Removal and Aesthetics
It has been good dealing with the training team.
I’ve been down to AW3 twice now, and they’ve helped me bring other people on board as well to be able to help me grow the business between the manuals, the going down to the training academy and the online portal, there is a lot of information there to help you.
Pretty Woman Laser Clinic
Kierah Hannon
Pretty Woman Laser Clinic

The training’s amazing and you’re hardly going to make a mistake because you’ve got them backing you the whole way.

Kirsty Weldon
Petts Wood Spa

They have been very supportive from the initial conversations through helping me to choose the right machine for me, to offering the qualifications and the training and also after-sales support, which is very important. I was looking for a machine which I can trust, and also gives me amazing results and AW3 definitely delivered.

The machine is really easy to use.

Lucia Cortes
Clínica Lúcia Cortes

My AllWhite laser machine is fantastic. It’s really easy to use. but most importantly, the results from it are absolutely fantastic. And my clients love it as well.

Sophie Holland
O salão de beleza

It’s super important that a manufacturer provides training for their own equipment.

Toni Gascoyne
Be Bare Clinic

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